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Tournament Rounds

M15 Monastir 14 [Q], 2023, M15

Rossi, Leonardo[1] [ITA]  
    Rossi, Leonardo[1]
Sakellaridis, Michalis [GRE] 62 61 
Suresh, Darrshan [MAS]  
    Nitschke, Tristan
Nitschke, Tristan [GER] 76(6) 62 
Gao, Xin [CHN]  
    Gao, Xin
Frljanic, Stefan [CAN] 64 63 
Katuch, Jakub [SVK]  
    Katuch, Jakub
Bagnolini, Daniel[11] [ITA] 62 61 
Sakka, Mohamed Anis (ALT) [TUN]  
    Knani, Omar
Knani, Omar [TUN] 57 64 105 
Moceanu, Nikolas (WC) [USA]  
    Xilas, Ioannis
Xilas, Ioannis [GRE] 62 63 
Alkotop, Mousa [JOR]  
    Alkotop, Mousa
Bhatnagar, Shivank [IND] 64 61 
Hartig, Ruben [GER]  
    Shiraishi, Hikaru[9]
Shiraishi, Hikaru[9] [JPN] 60 63 
Tonejc, Vito[3] [CRO]  
    Tonejc, Vito[3]
Marin, Diego [USA] 61 60 
Qabazard, Essa [KUW]  
    Roe Flannelly, Josh
Roe Flannelly, Josh [IRL] 06 64 107 
Mathys, Thomas [SUI]  
    Mathys, Thomas
Samson, Aron Paul [IND] 61 63 
Siddiqui, Amaan [IND]  
    La Vela, Giuseppe[13]
La Vela, Giuseppe[13] [ITA] 16 63 103 
Cui, Jie[4] [CHN]  
    Cui, Jie[4]
Larwig, Noel [GER] 61 63 
Ernaelsteen, Victor [BEL]  
    Ernaelsteen, Victor
Hermassi, Rayen (WC) [TUN] 75 60 
Camilli, Gabriele [ITA]  
    Camilli, Gabriele
Wang, Yukun (WC) [CHN] 61 62 
Khomich, Aleksei [BLR]  
    Vincent, Antoine[10]
Vincent, Antoine[10] [FRA] 64 26 106 
Yamanaka, Taiyo[5] [JPN]  
    Yamanaka, Taiyo[5]
Barr, Elbert [GBR] 63 63 
Takahata, Riku [JPN]  
    Loge, Jack
Loge, Jack [BEL] 62 76(3) 
Chen, Ying-Ze [TPE]  
    Blaydes, Freddy
Blaydes, Freddy [GBR] 30 Ret'd 
Wang, Aoran [CHN]  
    Wang, Aoran
Kamath, Madhwin[12] [IND] 62 62 
Gobat, Adrien[6] [FRA]  
    Gobat, Adrien[6]
Yu, Bingyu [CHN] 64 62 
Antonopoulos, Christos [GRE]  
    Antonopoulos, Christos
Raman, Rishabdev [IND] 64 60 
Castelletti, Luigi [ITA]  
    Castelletti, Luigi
Sakellaridis, Dimitris [GRE] 63 63 
Marino, Pietro [ITA]  
    Marino, Pietro
Tagushi, Ryotaro[16] [JPN] 62 Ret'd 
Fitriadi, M Rifki[7] [INA]  
    Fitriadi, M Rifki[7]
Nel, Anro (WC) [RSA] 62 62 
Pan, Yuchen (WC) [CHN]  
    Pan, Yuchen (WC)
Kouni, Radhouane [TUN] 60 60 
Suden, Sarthak [IND]  
    Suden, Sarthak
Aggarwal, Parth [IND] 46 61 108 
Zheng, Zhan (WC) [CHN]  
    Abibsi, Mohamed Ali[15]
Abibsi, Mohamed Ali[15] [ALG] 76(3) 63 
Boureau, Alexis[8] [FRA]  
    Boureau, Alexis[8]
Mahadevan, Arjun [IND] 64 61 
Atturu, Babji Siva [IND]  
    Atturu, Babji Siva
Ichikawa, Seiichiro (WC) [JPN] 61 62 
Dell'elba, Vito [ITA]  
    Dell'elba, Vito
Saravanan, Vishal (WC) [IND] 60 60 
Lin, Wei-De [TPE]  
    Kumaran, Bharath Nishok[14]
Kumaran, Bharath Nishok[14] [IND] 46 60 108 
Rossi, Leonardo[1] [ITA]  
    Rossi, Leonardo[1]
Nitschke, Tristan [GER] 63 62 
Gao, Xin [CHN]  
    Katuch, Jakub
Katuch, Jakub [SVK] 62 64 
Knani, Omar [TUN]  
    Xilas, Ioannis
Xilas, Ioannis [GRE] 61 63 
Alkotop, Mousa [JOR]  
    Shiraishi, Hikaru[9]
Shiraishi, Hikaru[9] [JPN] 62 52 Ret'd 
Tonejc, Vito[3] [CRO]  
    Roe Flannelly, Josh
Roe Flannelly, Josh [IRL] 36 22 Ret'd 
Mathys, Thomas [SUI]  
    Mathys, Thomas
La Vela, Giuseppe[13] [ITA] 26 62 104 
Cui, Jie[4] [CHN]  
    Cui, Jie[4]
Ernaelsteen, Victor [BEL] 61 62 
Camilli, Gabriele [ITA]  
    Vincent, Antoine[10]
Vincent, Antoine[10] [FRA] 75 64 
Yamanaka, Taiyo[5] [JPN]  
    Yamanaka, Taiyo[5]
Loge, Jack [BEL] 76(6) 64 
Blaydes, Freddy [GBR]  
    Blaydes, Freddy
Wang, Aoran [CHN] 76(5) 16 104 
Gobat, Adrien[6] [FRA]  
    Gobat, Adrien[6]
Antonopoulos, Christos [GRE] 63 42 Ret'd 
Castelletti, Luigi [ITA]  
    Marino, Pietro
Marino, Pietro [ITA] 64 75 
Fitriadi, M Rifki[7] [INA]  
    Fitriadi, M Rifki[7]
Pan, Yuchen (WC) [CHN] 63 62 
Suden, Sarthak [IND]  
    Abibsi, Mohamed Ali[15]
Abibsi, Mohamed Ali[15] [ALG] 63 62 
Boureau, Alexis[8] [FRA]  
    Boureau, Alexis[8]
Atturu, Babji Siva [IND] 60 61 
Dell'elba, Vito [ITA]  
    Dell'elba, Vito
Kumaran, Bharath Nishok[14] [IND] 62 61 
Rossi, Leonardo[1] [ITA]  
    Rossi, Leonardo[1]
Katuch, Jakub [SVK] 64 61 
Xilas, Ioannis [GRE]  
    Shiraishi, Hikaru[9]
Shiraishi, Hikaru[9] [JPN] 61 64 
Roe Flannelly, Josh [IRL]  
    Mathys, Thomas
Mathys, Thomas [SUI] 64 64 
Cui, Jie[4] [CHN]  
    Cui, Jie[4]
Vincent, Antoine[10] [FRA] 63 61 
Yamanaka, Taiyo[5] [JPN]  
    Yamanaka, Taiyo[5]
Blaydes, Freddy [GBR] 63 61 
Gobat, Adrien[6] [FRA]  
    Gobat, Adrien[6]
Marino, Pietro [ITA] 63 64 
Fitriadi, M Rifki[7] [INA]  
    Fitriadi, M Rifki[7]
Abibsi, Mohamed Ali[15] [ALG] 46 63 107 
Boureau, Alexis[8] [FRA]  
    Boureau, Alexis[8]
Dell'elba, Vito [ITA] 46 62 106 
Rossi, Leonardo[1] [ITA]  
Shiraishi, Hikaru[9] [JPN]   
Mathys, Thomas [SUI]  
Cui, Jie[4] [CHN]   
Yamanaka, Taiyo[5] [JPN]  
Gobat, Adrien[6] [FRA]   
Fitriadi, M Rifki[7] [INA]  
Boureau, Alexis[8] [FRA]   
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