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Tournament Rounds

M15 Monastir 32 [Q], 2023, M15

Coelho, Fabio[1] [POR]  
    Coelho, Fabio[1]
Rae, Kyle [GBR] 63 62 
De Carvalho, Valentin [FRA]  
    Matthysen, Leo (WC)
Matthysen, Leo (WC) [RSA] 64 76(8) 
Cronje, Lleyton (WC) [RSA]  
    Perego, Giulio
Perego, Giulio [ITA] 63 16 106 
Jestin, Calum [RSA]  
    Jestin, Calum
Barr, Elbert[14] [GBR] 26 63 106 
Pereira, Tiago[2] [POR]  
    Pereira, Tiago[2]
Rao, Yuvraj [USA] 60 61 
Luis, Tomas [POR]  
    Luis, Tomas
Stone, Zakai [USA] 64 62 
Rao, Anirudh [USA]  
    Shah, Dharmil
Shah, Dharmil [IND] 62 75 
Franzini, Marco [ITA]  
    Maia, Hugo[16]
Maia, Hugo[16] [POR] 63 62 
Boyd, Kalman[3] [USA]  
    Boyd, Kalman[3]
Ovchinnikov, Viacheslav [RUS] 60 64 
Johnson, Mitchell [GBR]  
    Johnson, Mitchell
Van-Roon Collins, Kai [GBR] 63 64 
Braham, Mohamed Hedi [TUN]  
    Boubaker, Youssef (WC)
Boubaker, Youssef (WC) [TUN] 60 60 
Mohanty, Amrutjay [IND]  
    Oliveira, Christian[13]
Oliveira, Christian[13] [BRA] 62 60 
Leal, Vitor[4] [BRA]  
    Ngounoue, Carel Aubriel
Ngounoue, Carel Aubriel [USA] 75 76(5) 
Inoue, Geni [JPN]  
    Inoue, Geni
Sarritzu, Boris [ITA] 76(3) 61 
Elbayoumy, Amir [USA]  
    Rsovac, Dusan
Rsovac, Dusan [AUS] 61 64 
Forcano, Ignasi [ESP]  
    Forcano, Ignasi
Kamath, Madhwin[10] [IND] 46 60 105 
Lobanov, Aleksandr[5] [RUS]  
    Lobanov, Aleksandr[5]
Popyrin, Anthony [AUS] 63 64 
Bird, Sam (WC) [GBR]  
    Matsuoka, Shu
Matsuoka, Shu [JPN] 64 60 
Augusto Dos Santos, Ryan [BRA]  
    Venturini, Carlo
Venturini, Carlo [SUI] 16 64 108 
Nagoudi, Adam (WC) [TUN]  
    Klier Junior, Gilbert[15]
Klier Junior, Gilbert[15] [BRA] 62 60 
Ilhan, Marsel[6] [TUR]  
    Ilhan, Marsel[6]
Gregoriou, George [GRE] 61 61 
Formella, Leon [GER]  
    Cowcher, Kai
Cowcher, Kai [GBR] 62 62 
Borisiouk, Martin [BLR]  
    Borisiouk, Martin
Nicolle, Casper (WC) [GBR] 60 61 
Kotan, Patrick [AUS]  
    Ivanov, Saveliy[11]
Ivanov, Saveliy[11] [RUS] 67(4) 61 104 
Nusdeo, Joao Marcos[7] [BRA]  
    Nusdeo, Joao Marcos[7]
Cardinaud, Hugo [FRA] 75 64 
Scott, Andreas [GBR]  
    Scott, Andreas
Hamzaoui, Omar [TUN] 60 61 
Halmenschlager Reis, Ighor [BRA]  
    Halmenschlager Reis, Ighor
Ichikawa, Seiichiro (WC) [JPN] 60 60 
Wang, Qiulin [CHN]  
    Koenig, Luc[9]
Koenig, Luc[9] [GBR] 61 61 
Trochu, Pablo[8] [FRA]  
    Trochu, Pablo[8]
Tudorica, Alvin Nicholas [CAN] 61 62 
Safonov, Nikita [RUS]  
    Sahtali, Toufik
Sahtali, Toufik [ALG] 61 62 
Kypriotis, Evangelos [GRE]  
    Kypriotis, Evangelos
Meale, Guilherme [BRA] 64 75 
Monaco, Antoine [FRA]  
    Moore, Ewan[12]
Moore, Ewan[12] [GBR] 64 62 
Coelho, Fabio[1] [POR]  
    Coelho, Fabio[1]
Matthysen, Leo (WC) [RSA] 60 64 
Perego, Giulio [ITA]  
    Perego, Giulio
Jestin, Calum [RSA] 61 64 
Pereira, Tiago[2] [POR]  
    Luis, Tomas
Luis, Tomas [POR] 36 64 106 
Shah, Dharmil [IND]  
    Maia, Hugo[16]
Maia, Hugo[16] [POR] 75 64 
Boyd, Kalman[3] [USA]  
    Boyd, Kalman[3]
Johnson, Mitchell [GBR] 60 63 
Boubaker, Youssef (WC) [TUN]  
    Oliveira, Christian[13]
Oliveira, Christian[13] [BRA] 62 62 
Ngounoue, Carel Aubriel [USA]  
    Inoue, Geni
Inoue, Geni [JPN] 64 36 104 
Rsovac, Dusan [AUS]  
    Rsovac, Dusan
Forcano, Ignasi [ESP] 64 46 106 
Lobanov, Aleksandr[5] [RUS]  
    Lobanov, Aleksandr[5]
Matsuoka, Shu [JPN] 64 16 106 
Venturini, Carlo [SUI]  
    Klier Junior, Gilbert[15]
Klier Junior, Gilbert[15] [BRA] 62 60 
Ilhan, Marsel[6] [TUR]  
    Ilhan, Marsel[6]
Cowcher, Kai [GBR] 63 64 
Borisiouk, Martin [BLR]  
    Borisiouk, Martin
Ivanov, Saveliy[11] [RUS] 62 64 
Nusdeo, Joao Marcos[7] [BRA]  
    Scott, Andreas
Scott, Andreas [GBR] 63 60 
Halmenschlager Reis, Ighor [BRA]  
    Koenig, Luc[9]
Koenig, Luc[9] [GBR] 61 61 
Trochu, Pablo[8] [FRA]  
    Trochu, Pablo[8]
Sahtali, Toufik [ALG] 64 26 107 
Kypriotis, Evangelos [GRE]  
    Moore, Ewan[12]
Moore, Ewan[12] [GBR] 62 62 
Coelho, Fabio[1] [POR]  
    Coelho, Fabio[1]
Perego, Giulio [ITA] 16 64 107 
Luis, Tomas [POR]  
    Luis, Tomas
Maia, Hugo[16] [POR] 75 60 
Boyd, Kalman[3] [USA]  
    Boyd, Kalman[3]
Oliveira, Christian[13] [BRA] 61 61 
Inoue, Geni [JPN]  
    Inoue, Geni
Rsovac, Dusan [AUS] 64 63 
Lobanov, Aleksandr[5] [RUS]  
    Klier Junior, Gilbert[15]
Klier Junior, Gilbert[15] [BRA] 62 67(2) 119 
Ilhan, Marsel[6] [TUR]  
    Borisiouk, Martin
Borisiouk, Martin [BLR] 36 75 107 
Scott, Andreas [GBR]  
    Koenig, Luc[9]
Koenig, Luc[9] [GBR] 61 64 
Trochu, Pablo[8] [FRA]  
    Trochu, Pablo[8]
Moore, Ewan[12] [GBR] 57 76(6) 108 
Coelho, Fabio[1] [POR]  
Luis, Tomas [POR]   
Boyd, Kalman[3] [USA]  
Inoue, Geni [JPN]   
Klier Junior, Gilbert[15] [BRA]  
Borisiouk, Martin [BLR]   
Koenig, Luc[9] [GBR]  
Trochu, Pablo[8] [FRA]   
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